“NFT-Ukraine Children’s Mirai Project” is launched! The fast, reliable, and trustworthy organization delivers!
“NFT-Ukraine Children’s Mirai Project” is launched! The fast, reliable, and trustworthy organization delivers!
Is there anything we can do? We are going to give shape to this idea.
We have started “NFT Ukraine Children’s Mirai Project” with NPO “Japan-Ukraine Friendship Association KRAIANY”.
This project is a project to collect support for the NFT Art Project by drawing pictures for peace by 30 Ukrainian children living in Japan, and the full amount will be used for humanitarian assistance to children in Ukraine through the NPO KRAIANY.
Project Overview — — — — — — — -
Period of implementation: The end date is undecided at this time. We will consider the end date in light of the future international situation.
Method of support: PremaCoin or virtual currency support *Please refer to “Flow of Support”.
Cooperating organization: Japan-Ukraine Friendship Association “KRAIANY”
Official web: https://goukraine.premanft.com/overview
Project Launching Thoughts — — — — — — — -
May many smiles of children bloom like sunflowers in the sky.
Even when clouds cover the sky, we will not forget that there is a blue sky above.
We would like to support them gently so that they can move forward without being depressed.
We want to make it clear when, where, and how the donations will be used.
We want to provide fast and reliable support through a reliable organization.
To achieve both of these goals, we have adopted the NFT purchase-type donation system.
Our unique platform ensures transparency and reliability.
We promise to deliver it quickly and reliably.
What can we do to help?
We will give shape to your thoughts and ideas.
“NFT Ukraine Children’s Mirai Project” was launched to bring smiles to the faces of Ukrainian children.
Like sunflowers blooming toward the sky, we look up to the sky dreaming of the future.
We hope that the day will come soon when we can smile and envision the future.
I hope that one day soon we will be able to smile and envision the future, even if we are not in a position to do so. Donations are a familiar way to give form to this thought.
However, in many cases, it is difficult to see how the collected donations will be used, and this is one of the obstacles to taking action.
By collecting donations through NFT, we have created a platform that allows people to take action with confidence by working with reliable NPOs that ensure transparency and disclose evidence of how the money is used.
We hope that even in difficult circumstances, we can move forward without giving up on the future.
And if we can bring even one more smile to people’s faces.
We sincerely hope that our efforts to do what we can do now will lead to those smiles.
Flow of support — — — — — — — -
Depending on the amount of support in PremaCoin (*) or temporary currency, we will convert the children’s drawings into NFT and deliver them to you.
The support money will be used for humanitarian aid in the home country of Ukraine through NPO KRAIANY, and a report on the use of the money will be made public.
You can download PREMA WALLET from APP Store/Google Play and connect PREMA WALLET to Goukraine market to purchase PREMA coins.
As a full-fledged blockchain platform, PREMA WALLET offers a seamless multi-chain experience. You can manage tokens across different chains, connect to the decentralized web, use NFC accessories, and much more. Users can easily manage tokens on supported chains in a few simple steps.
[Artwork drawn by children] — — — — — — — -
Today I thought I would be able to play in a field of wheat, spread out all over the place, just as usual.
Until the Z-Russian army came in.
“Left is the future or right is the future.”
This picture has two meanings.
First, it means whether the future will be a world of chaos and chaos like the one on the right, or a world of abundance and nature like the one on the left.
Peace to Ukraine.
I want peace for beautiful Ukraine.
Rhythms of the World
Even small children, who cannot paint by themselves, participate with their handprints.
Children’s hearts create the wings of global peace.
[How to support us] — — — — — — — -
Step 1
(1)Download PREMA WALLET from APP Store/Google Play.
(2)Start the application and create a wallet.
(3) Press “Connect Wallet” on the Goukraine Market.
(1)Select the user icon in the upper right corner of the home screen.
(2)Press the “Buy” button next to PREMA COIN.
(3)Select the quantity to be purchased and press “Purchase”.
(4)press confirmation
(5)Select the payment method and make your purchase.
(1) Tap the amount of money you wish to support.
(2)You will receive a NFT (picture drawn by children) as a thank-you according to the amount of your support. Please look forward to which NFT you will receive. For higher amount of support, we will send you a certificate NFT.
About Ukraine-Japan Friendship Association KRAIANY — — — — — — — -
NPO KRAIANY is a non-profit organization based in Tokyo, Japan.
We started our activities as an informal community in 2000 and registered as a non-profit organization in March 2021.
Since the beginning of its activities, KRAIANY has focused on organizing educational events, workshops, festivals, parades, and other cultural events with the mission of bringing Ukrainian culture to the people of Japan.
In the face of the recent severe humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, NFT Ukraine has been supporting Ukrainian children with food, medicine, medical equipment, generators, and fuel for transportation.
In the “NFT Ukraine Children’s Mirai Project,” Ukrainian children living in Japan express their feelings about Ukraine today and the strength of Ukraine.
We hope that their feelings will be conveyed to many people through their drawings.
Name: Japan-Ukraine Friendship Association KRAIANY
Location: 4–6–7–2602 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative: KOVAL OVA NATALIA
Official HP: https://www.kraiany.org/ja/
— — — — — -That’s ALL — — — — — — — — -
— -Thank you for reading.